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Auction List - Find your favorite goods and materials at the Miscellaneous Auctions

Delve into Auction List to find the most diverse and good quality miscellaneous items. Auction List serves the interested buyers and sellers popular and unique objects. Our upcoming North Carolina miscellaneous equipment auctions provide you with high-quality equipment. The equipment can contribute or be an alternative to your daily life commodities and assets. You can find interior decorations, automobiles, tools and machinery. There are good quality jewelry, accessories and other many kinds of materials and goods.

The utmost platform for trading miscellaneous assets and equipment

Auction List offers you exceptional and skilful tools, gadgets, accessories and appliances. Auction List brings together buyers and sellers with a broad assurance. It also offers a transparent structure and great payment methods. The auctions treat both the buyers and sellers in a fair, decent and equal manner. So you are suggested to check out our online miscellaneous auctions in North Carolina.

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Viewing: Miscellaneous Auctions
Auctionubid,LLC  /   03/06/2025 @ 10:00 AM
 Discover exclusive, handcrafted Damascus knives in our one-of-a-kind online auction! Own a masterpiece of craftsmanship! Bid online from anywhere!Act fast before it's all gone!https://auctionubid.hibid.comOnline Auction Starts Closing March 6, 2025 @ 10 AM ESTPreview: February 24, 2025 From 10 AM -12 PM ESTPickup Location: 4904 Professional Court Raleigh, NC 27609Pickup date: March 8, 2025, From 9 AM -1 PM ESTNCAL...
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