This TV Series ran for four seasons. Due to studio policy we cannot advertise the name. This will be the most diverse types of assets we have sold in one auction in 40 years. We have sold numerous movie auctions over the years. They are always a great place to find
the most unusual items.
Auction Goes Live Online July 2, 2024
This Auction closes over two days, July 15 & 16 starting at 9am CT each day.
Just of few of the types of assets:
Vehicles, Vintage Airstream Camper, Overseas Shipping Containers, Hand Tooled Ranger Gun Belts, Exotic Skin Boots, Quality Cowboy Hats, Costumes, Rolling Z-Racks, Prop Guns (Airsoft Look-a-likes), Guitars, Keyboards & Other Musical Instruments, Airshield 550 HEPA Air Scrubbers, Full Gymnasium, Portable Air Conditioners, Coke Vending Machines, Vissani Refrigerators, Golf Clubs,
Stunt Special Effects Breakaways, Military Ruck Sacks, Tactical Vests, Helmets & Flashlights, Folding Cafeteria Tables on Casters, Poker Table, Flags & Emblems, Large Flat Screen TVs, Massage Chairs, Plotter
Antique, Vintage & Contemporary Furniture, Wood Pews, Taxidermy Mounts, Bar Tables & Stools, Park Benches, Lots of Collectibles
Livestock Panels, Feeders, Water Troughs, 200 Gal. Plastic Totes, Artificial Boulders, Truck Brush Guards & Running Boards, Pop Up Tents, A-Frame Barricades, Artificial Trees & Plants, Lockers.
Plus Much, Much More!
For more information or to bid go to and or call (512) 261-3838.